it is 4 am, and i have to take two finals today - New Testament and French. My French final is in 7 hours - cue hyperventilation. I'll be fine...parce que j'aime le francais, et je sais beaucoup de francais. vraiment? vraiment! hahah. i am in LOVE with the french language, and i'm excited for french 102 next semester. anyways -- today i went to arby's and then to target with one of my roommates, amy, and we picked out little gifts.

this is amy and i, excited to embark on our trip. i'm looking less than attractive, but I DON'T CAREEEEEEEE. haha.
at arby's, i sampled this concoction:

but it tasted like chemicals. it was gross.
the princess and the frog was A+. good job disney. tepanyaki...was not as good as the japanese restaurants back home! and more expensive! yuck.
my schedule for next semester is as follows:

i am especially excited about my international health class. i am also excited about not having any classes until 1 pm. YES!
well i had better go study......