Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have been thinking seriously about deferring fall semester. I need a break from school. I am tired. I am not just tired but I am weary. All I want to do is to sleep. I feel like I've been carrying around this huge weight on my shoulders, this huge burden of stress, and I am at the point where I cannot move forward any longer. Being mentally exhausted is much worse, from my perspective, than being physically exhausted. I am completely worn down. School is hard and I feel like I am breaking under all the stress. Finals are coming up in 2 and a half weeks for spring term and I feel like I haven't learned anything because I've just been so tired. So as of right now, my plan is to come back here in August, and find a full-time job, and just work. Do menial tasks and let my brain rest. Because I am tired. I am really, really tired.

Love to all :)

1 comment:

  1. If you really feel like you need to defer and you are looking for a job, keep us in mind. I need someone to watch Camilla from 7am to 4pm. It's also only for Fall semester for student teaching. I talked to one other person and she is not sure if she can switch her classes but she really wants to do it too. But just keep that in the back of your mind and we can see what works out. Have fun in North Carolina!!!
