Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am bad at this whole "blogging" thing.

Let's see...not much has happened recently, as per usual. I want to get involved but I don't know how! I'm pretty sure I've finalized my Spring/Summer classes, which is GREAT. I am really excited for them. I'm still looking for a job. I've put in about 100 applications, and gotten 2 interviews, and 0 job offers. c'est frustrant. My computer crashed out of the blue, it made me a very sad woman. I can't afford to have it fixed, so I've dragged out my old trusty Dell from high school. It works fine, except for the unfortunate fact that the battery is dead so it can't survive like 2 seconds without being plugged in. Financially, things have been really rough lately. I've only been able to make minimum payments on my credit card, my debit account has been overdrafted since the beginning of february, all my medical bills are past due and my car needs a new battery among other things and has ceased to be reliable. It's hard with no job but I know that I'm doing everything I can and that something will come along, even if my credit is killed in the meantime. Honestly there is nothing else I can do...luckily, I stocked up on dry goods, so my food supply has lasted me since January, with only a few small trips for perishables in between. Everything happens for a reason, maybe this is God's way of making me the most frugal person ever. I am grateful that my father has provided me with great health insurance...I can't imagine what I would do without it, that's for sure. Nothing BIG has happened recently medical-wise... I have an appointment with the urologist in a month and we will hopefully find out the reason for the kidney stones I have been getting. I sprained/possibly hairline-fractured (the doctor was really vague) my midfoot, so I've been saddled with a big ol' boot. My endocrinologist called me to say that my hormone levels are out of wack (as always) but instead of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which she had hypothesized was the problem, it's actually polycystic ovarian syndrome...which I already knew I had. So I guess she'll start treatment for that soon. Oh and as far as my back goes, there are no herniated discs! The neurosurgeon said that the amount of scarring in my lumbar section is causing my shunt to grate on my nerve endings that float around back there, causing me back pain. There's nothing I can do about it, except for get physical therapy. Honestly though, I feel great. I'm happy and I feel successful. I'm reading the Book of Mormon from start to finish because my bishop challenged me to. I'm really glad he did; so far it's been great. It's wonderful to get back to the basics. Conference is next month, I'm excited.
Anyways I know this was all really boring, but just know that I am doing wonderfully.

Besos! Bises! Kisses!
(this is my new favorite way to say goodbye...it drives my friends crazy.)

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